Discussion Questions


Icebreaker: Who is your favorite actor, movie character, sports figure? And why?

There is more to read/share with the group for discussion. I tried to add some of the key things to review with your groups, so the text is longer – sorry.

REVIEW – What God has done through NLC:

  • Over 1,000 shoeboxes in 2020 alone!
  • $618,000 in giving in 2020 – $98,182 to missions
  • Since the beginning of NLC – over $1.4 million dollars given to missions
  • Passion for the next generation
  • Celebrate recovery
  • Increased presence online to help the hurting at home
  • Passion for small group growth
  • Where God provides pastors and leaders to continue the work

This is just the tip of the iceberg of what God is doing through NLC.

  1. What else have you seen God do through NLC?


  • To Dream about being a people where becoming a disciple and making disciples of Jesus is our focus.
  • Where the communities/neirborhoods surrounding us know the love of Jesus because of us.
  • Where reaching the next generation is our new standard.
  • Where each person, no matter what background, no matter what they’ve done is embraced with the life-changing Grace and Truth of Jesus.
  • Where life-changed happens daily.
  • Where normal life is interrupted with being part of something greater

A Few Questions

  1. What do you think it would take to make this type of church a reality? Or do you think we are there now?
  2. How would you characterize the “man in the street’s” view of God?

Review: Matthew chapters 5 -7 Your choice if you want to read that much

  1. How did Jesus “up the ante” on conventional thought for some of the common sins in these chapters?
  2. In Matt7: 28-29, what was the response fo the crowd?
  3. In Matt 8: 1-3 how did Jesus demonstrate to the crowd what following him really means?
  4. Who represents the lepers of the world today?
  5. 2 Cor 4:16-18 talks what we should have our eyes fixed upon. What does these verses mean to you?
  6. Tim talked about the dangers fo being a “hot tub” church that talks to each other, but not the world at large. How do you combat the desire for safety inside the church environment?

Embracing EACH PERSON with the life-changing Grace and Truth of Jesus.

  1. What does this mean to you?
  2. Review – read Exodus 6:6-7 11 What are the 4 “I will”promises of God for Israel? Review the 4 things that we are praying to happen by the end of 2023.

KNOW JESUS: Over 200 baptisms have been celebrated of people who have come to know Jesus.

FIND COMMUNITY: Over 600 people have taken their next step in Finding community through our Small Groups ministry. Where each person is actively investing in becoming disciples and making disciples of Jesus.

DISCOVER PURPOSE: Over 400 people have gone through our Discover Class. Where each person finds their gifts and discovers purpose at NewLife. Being a disciple calls us to activeate our faith through serving and loving one another.

LIVE THE MISSION: Over 20,000 hours have been given in investing in our neighborhoods and communities. Where the church is going to people.


  1. What questions or thoughts do you have about these dreams/vision for NLC?
  2. Where do you find yourself fitting into this vision?
  3. In the next month, what can you pray to start to see where you fit into God’s plan for you?

As always, feel free to make this study your own. These questions are only discussion starters to help you get the conversation going.